Bhutan the land of happiness

Bhutan the land of happiness 

             The country which is supposed to have the highest happiness index  has people who not only worship Buddha but also follow his philosophy to attain peace of mind.
You must have traveled across India and across the Globe , seen various landmarks and monuments like the Pyramids of Egypt , Eiffel Tower of Paris , leaning tower of Pisa, but have you ever been somewhere just to know how happiness feels like???? 
If not then book your flight for Bhutan!  the country which is full of happiness  and if this is not enough for you to visit Bhutan , then you should know some unique things about this country.

1) Carbon Negative Country 

  With more than 75% of the land under forest cover , and use of tobacco been banned since 2010 , you can be rest assured that you are travelling to a place with the least carbon footprint.

2) The Beauty of Architecture  

Bhutan is known for it's unique architecture with monuments , dzongs , temples and monasteries. These are exquisite and examples of the craftsmanship of people of Bhutan .

3) For adventure seekers.... bike ride, bicycle ride    

You can travel through the beautiful nature,enjoying the landscape that Bhutan has to offer and that to with a bike or bicycle ride.

4) Art and the secret of simple but satisfied lifestyle

Bhutanese are expert in sculpture, textile, wood carving, paper making. They have gained expertise in their hobbies to make the economy stronger.  They also tell the world that it is possible to have simple yet satisfied life. We must visit Bhutan at least once in our lifetime to learn about these things . 

5) The photogenic monastery 

 The peace,the tranquility and the beauty of monasteries is no less than meditation and will connect you to your inner self.


6)   Hike on the less traveled path 

You can feel the adrenaline by hiking to the Tiger's nest which is known as Taktsang monastery in their national language.

Want to see happiness? Board the Flight and fly for Bhutan


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